4 min readJul 12, 2020


In this era of technology, everything is controlled by digital devices. All these digital devices are instructed for what to do and not to do with the programs. Programs are set of instructions written via a programming language. The programming language is the language of computers. Computers cannot understand human language so we need a different type of language which helps to interact with computers. There are lots of programming languages available like Perl, C, C++, Java, Python..etc. Here we are going to learn about python programming language.

P ython is one of the top 5 most popular programming languages. It is a high-level, open-source, general-purpose, interpreted language. Python has a unique feature that it supports all the platform i.e platform-independent. It can be run anywhere in windows, Mac, Linux. It is used in developing system Softwares, Web Apps, Games, Websites, Computer Graphics…etc It has a huge standard library that supports internet protocols like HTML, JSON, iMAP, FTP..etc It is easy language therefor beginners are suggested to start with it. Python has automatic memory management and a dynamic type system. It is used by Google, Pinterest, Youtube, Quora, Instagram..etc

It was developed by Guido Van Rossum in Netherland, It was launched in 1991.

Installing Python in windows is similar to installing other software. First, we need to download and begin the install. I highly recommend downloading the software from official websites.

Linux and Mac come with pre-Installed Python. But in windows, we need to install it. Below are the steps to install python in windows.

  1. First, download the python from.
  2. After Downloading run the installation file.

Writing the first program

I hope you have already install vs code and python extension in it.

  1. Open vs code.
  2. Go to File and select new than a new file Untitled-1 will open.
  3. Then press ctrl+shift+s and save with a name and under a name you will see save type as section their select python. when you save the file it will automatically format the code for python.
  4. ok then type print(“this is my first code.”), print is used to get output in python.
  5. then right-click and select Run python file through the terminal option.
  6. you will get the output as below.

I already assume that you have installed text editors of your choice.

  1. Open the text editor of your choice.
  2. Create a new file and save it in .py extension. eg,
  3. type print(“this is my first code.”)save it and close.remember the saved file location.
  4. Now open the command prompt and change the directory to the saved file location. for eg if you have saved file in some folder under d: drive then type cd d:folder name and press enter then type python name of the file extension like untitled.pyand hit enter.
  5. It will give you an output.
  6. you can open the cmd directly throw the file explorer for this open the file location of the file and type cmd in the location bar the cmd will open and type python space and the name of the file with the python extension(.py)

here I have open the cmd from the same location where my python file is saved.

Open cmd type python and hit enter. Now will see the python terminal then type print(“this is my first code.”). press enter button and you will see the output as the this is my first code.

Goto startmenu, and search for IDLE. Duble click or open it and then you will see the terminal like python then type print(“this is my first code.”). press enter button and you will see the output as the this is my first code.

ok, this was all about installing python, and using it on the next move we will run to rules of writing programs in python.

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